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About Us - Team Roping Addict

About Us

One day in the practice pen, I chuckled as I heard a header backing in the box   mutterer “Just one more”…. 5 steers later, the same roper was still trying to make that run worthy of quitting practice that day.

Now, granted I’d heard that expression from many others on multiple occasions prior… and yes, they’ve come out of my mouth as well… it clicked in my head what that phrase really meant.

We are addicted to roping. The addiction can be different for different ropers. Some, it may be making their idea of a perfect run. To others it may come from the comradery of those in a rope pen (setting aside the competitiveness that we have).

Roping Addict Inc. was started in 2019 by a 20+ year roping addict. The team roping community is a tight knit group and we take pride in being part it. We want our ropers to let the world know about their passion. We truly know the addiction that roping has on a person.

Our products are carefully designed. We develop them whole heartily and take pride in them. We are constantly adding to our product line. If there is something you’d like to see us carry, please send us an email.

Thank you for taking the time to read more about us!